at Soulor Coaching
Measure to Improve
You can only improve what you measure. So to get faster on a bike we need to know where you are starting from. INSCYD testing gives a complete picture of where your cycling power comes from.
FTP is Not Enough
Basing training zones on Functional Threshold Power doesn't work for everyone. Your best 20 minute power isn't the best guide for high intesity efforts, and doesn't tell you where your power comes from.
Use Your Physiology
INSCYD gives a complete picture of your body's energy systems, allowing us to design plans that align with your unique strengths and weaknesses. Take the guesswork out and train smarter.
Everyone’s body responds to training a little differently. Take FTP (Functional Threshold Power) — it’s the metric most of us use to gauge progress and set training zones. The thing is, FTP doesn’t really work the same for everyone. Two people with the same FTP might actually have totally different strengths because FTP combines both aerobic and anaerobic power, but it doesn’t show us the split between them. So, when we set training based on FTP, the same power zones can be stressing different energy systems in different people.
INSCYD changes that. Unlike FTP, INSCYD testing produces a complete picture of an athlete’s energy systems. It gives detailed insights into both aerobic and anaerobic power, shows how your body uses fuels - carbohydrates and fats, at different intensities. With INSCYD, we can set power zones that are truly personalized — zones that take into account your unique metabolic profile and target specifc energy systems. Endurance rides can be set to stimulate fat metabolism and boost mitochonrial function, while above threshold sessions can work at specific percentages of your aerobic max.
Read more about why I don't use FTP to set training zones: Limitations of FTP

Get a unique view into how your body works
"When you know your profile... you can push your limits."
No Lab Testing
The Simple Way To Unlock Your Full Potential
INSCYD offers game-changing insights into how your body adapts to training.
Not long ago, the only way to get this level of detail was through regular lab testing. Now, with INSCYD, we can assess your unique physiology right on the open road.
Our simple, three-test Power Performance Decoder protocol — a 20-second sprint, a 3-minute max effort, and a 13-minute max effort — provides a complete view of your metabolic profile.
- VO2 Max – Your aerobic capacity
- VLamax – Your glycolytic (anaerobic) capacity
- Anaerobic Threshold - Your maximum lactate steady state (MLSS)
- Fat and Carbohydrate Combustion Rates - Your fuel usage at different intensities.
- FatMax - Power zone you burn most fat. Essential knowledge for endurance training.
- Fatigue and Recovery Profile - Your ability to handle fatigue and recover.
- Lactate Accumulation and Clearance: The rate at which lactate accumulates and clears during intense efforts.
- Energetic Contribution: The contribution of aerobic and anaerobic energy systems at various intensities.
Training can be more targetted and more specific to you.
Book a Call to Learn More

The tests are simple, yet specific. At Soulor I ask riders to do a 20 second effort, 3 min and 13 min effort. All max, all seated, all on the open road. And that's it - the INSCYD platform does the rest.
You get a ten page report with your current, VO2 Max, VLamax, Fat Max, CarbMax, available glycogen and anerobic threshold. We can also see how fast you accumulate and recover from blood lactate as well as your fat and carbohydrate useage at different intensities.
As a coach, INSCYD is fast becoming an essential tool. You get to truly know your metabolic profile, whether you're an aerobic or anaerobic rider. I (or your own coach) then have the tools to target training to prepare you better for your goal events.
With INSCYD every session I set has a specific goal and targets a specific energy system. We know your strengths and togeher we can now precisely work on your weaknesses.

A Powerful Insight
With INSCYD you'll probably learn more about yourself as an athlete than you ever have before. No other one-test system can show how energy systems work together and give a complete metabolic profile.

Personal Coaching
Armed with your INSCYD data, coaching becomes more targeted. We can build zones that work for your current fitness, (instead of just hoping they do with FTP) and track your progress with future tests.
A Further Thought...
INSCYD was created by renowned sports scientist and coach (to Tony Martin & Peter Sagan), Sebastian Webber. The research, thinking and data analysis behind it have been used in the professional peloton (and other sports) for over decade. It offers accurate, cutting-edge sports science to amateur riders, without the need to visit it a lab.
For me, INSCYD offers:
- Lab-Level Precision in the Field: All the accuracy and data of lab testing, from easily manageable outdoor tests.
- Unique Athlete Profiles: A complete view of your metabolic profile, and thus the ability to tailor training to enhance it.
- Scientific Validation: INSCYD's metrics & processes are validated by peer-reviewed studies and the Power Performance Decoder has been successfully comparison tested against laboratory tests.
- Trust of World Tour Teams: INSCYD is used by World Tour Teams such as Visma-Lease-a-bike, Bora-Hansgrohe & Movistar for remote testing and to set training.
- Precise Training Zone Calculations: Instead of %-of-FTP zones, we can set zones to precisely target your unique energy profile.
- Strength and Weakness Analysis: INSCYD highlights specific areas of metabolic strength, and is the only tool that accurately captures both aerobic and anaerobic contributions while riding.
- Nutrition and Fuelling Strategies: INSCYD shows fat and carbohydrate combustion at different intensities, allowing the creation of precise, personal fuelling stratgies for training & racing.

INSCYD Testing at Soulor
Planning, Test & Follow Up
INSCYD testing with Soulor offers you a powerful look into the way your body works. Its analysis can seriously change the way you think about your training and will have a lasting impact on your performance and results.
The beauty is the test is remote - you don't need to visit a lab. I will help prepare you for your efforts, process your ride files and use the INSCYD platform to generate your profile. You will get a ten page report and then we'll have a 1-to-1 video debrief to explain the rsults and guide you on your next steps.
The one-off fee covers all prep, calls and emails to get you ready, processing of your files and running the test, plus the Zoom call debrief.

Looking For A Coach?
At Soulor I provide INSCYD testing to many riders, but I am also a highly experienced and successful coach.
If you are looking to improve your riding and performance, and want more than physiological testing, perhaps I can help?
I have helped people reach the pinnacle of the sport while racing and others to prepare for challenge rides and multi-day events.
Find out more on my coaching page here: Personal Coaching