0 to 100km in 16 weeks

DifferentĀ ways to get cycle fit

Choose from the purpose built Cent-Soulor program (for you, or as a gift for a friend), the Cent-Soulor Gold with 2 one-to-one coaching sessions, or individual coaching with coach, Peter Georgi


The "Get you to a 100km" super program.

Detailed plans, video instruction and PDF schedules give you everything yo need to get you from 0-100km in 16 weeks.

Cent-Soulor Gold

The Cent-Soulor program plus 2, one-to-one coaching sessions with Peter Georgi.

Use at any timeĀ to ask questions, get advice and discuss your progress.

One to One Coaching

One to one coaching is the natural extension of the Cent-Soulor. What comes after 100km? The Etape du Tour, multiday rides? Whatever your next challenge having your own cycling coach will make sure you get there.


Buy the Cent-Soulor as gift

Do you have a cycling friend who wants to get fit? Could they do with guidance and structure to their training?

Then give the gift of fitness: buy the Cent-Soulor as a gift.

Gift the Cent-Soulor